Magento Front End Developer - Test Questions

Customize and Create Javascript

6. Customize and Create JavaScript Within the Magento Framework (8%)

Key Areas of Study

  • Know how to perform standard Javascript/Prototype functions - not just those uses within the frontend of Magento
  • Understand how to use prototype to extend core JS classes within Magento (in an upgrade safe manner)


6.1 Using prototype.js, which selector would be used to target a group of paragraphs with the class of green?
A. $$('')
B. $('div').children('')
C. $('.green')
D. $$('p > .green')
6.2 Given that the prototype library is included - what would be the result of the following code?
<script type="text/javascript">
    Person = Class.create();

    Person.prototype = {
         initialize: function(name)
     = name;

         sayHello: function (message)
              return(' says '+message);

    Person.prototype.sayHello = Person.prototype.sayHello.wrap( function (parentMethod, message, flag) {
         if (flag){
            return(message+' Shouted ';
        } else {
            return parentMethod(message);

    var Jimmy = new Person('Jimmy');

    alert(Jimmy.sayHello('Hi!', true));
    alert(Jimmy.sayHello('Hi!', false));

A. "Undefined" followed by "[Object]"
B. "Jimmy says Hi!" followed by "Hi! Shouted Jimmy"
C. "Hi! Shouted Jimmy" followed by "Jimmy says Hi!"
D. "Undefined" followed by "Jimmy says Hi!"